How to get started:

Please contact us by emailing or calling us with our contact information on the right. Upon contacting us, you may expect that we will request your full legal name, email address and telephone number, the names of any opposing parties, and a brief description of your matter. With that information in hand, we will run a prompt conflict check and get back to you with the result and, if there is no conflict, we will schedule a time to meet with you.

Please do not send us any confidential information or sensitive material.

Please note that initial consultations are $199 for the first forty-five minutes.

Office Locations: *

11025 Pioneer Trail, Ste 101A, Truckee, CA 96161

230 E Liberty Street, Reno, NV 89501

*Please note that our offices are not always staffed. Please call and schedule an appointment before dropping by.

Phone Hours:

Monday - Friday

9a.m. - 5p.m.**

**Other hours may be available upon request for both potential and existing clients.